Monday 1 July 2013

Too much office space in the Klang Valley? - The Star Online

The slew of cooling measures has evolved Singapore's real estate scene, such that Price alone would not always justify that the choice was good. Despite being indirect, the following article offers an alternate angle on this subject. Do you agree?

Too much office space in the Klang Valley?The Star OnlineAnother successful refurbishment is Menara Standard Chartered, previously Shahzan Insas Tower by Government Investment Corp (GIC) of Singapore. Says DTZ Nawawi Tie Leung executive director Brian Koh: “Most of the buildings ... Office space rental is ......Too much office space in the Klang Valley? - The Star Online

No two condominiums are similar, and therefore the look for a suitable property is quite hard, but also truly rewarding not to mention most certainly worth the effort. You'll want to explore a few of the alternative material which We came across on the web ..

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